Monday, June 11, 2018


I remember my first objective exam. It began with 56. Deep inside I used to feel as if I was not made for MBBS. But, I aimed to become a great man. I fixed myself at the roof of my hostel and walk round and round with my books and murmur like a priest, whole day. Less mobile, less entertainment. The Saturday model tests used to get me tensed. Reading whole the week, still no mark increased. The week used to pass like bullets. I used to remember my parents who went abroad to get me some common future. I had their struggle in my veins. Then, little by little I increased my marks upto 70 then 80. 10 more to go! I used to see myself in mirror sometimes and say, "Haha, Naveen, talai yo jindagi le kaha puryayo!" My mark was fluctuating. 85 then 79, then 87 then 81, then 80, then 85 again. I never managed to get more than 87 before the real exam. Then, the finals arrived. Paper in my hand, my blank mind full of uncertain future, solving each Rs. 35000 question with earthquake in my fingers but still fake confidence. Doubtfully, I came out. Some days later, the result also came out. I got 91 but unlucky me, out of 41 students who got 91, I was the last, still happy. I missed IOM by 1 mark and out of all those students who got 91, 5 of the last students didn't receive anything. Unlucky Naveen. If you obtain 91 and get your name, you will get 35 lakhs but if you obtain 91 and not get your name, you will receive nothing. What an unfair exam! Everyone gave me faint hope to try for BPKIHS. I followed the trend again. Indian books, NAME, lecture notes, videos, whatever whatever. I was always with my new routine making and changing and tearing the last ones. I used to make grand plans but gained nothing at the end of month. Saturday exams haunting me with unwise marks. My routine involved to complete indian books, modules and past questions. I used to make a lot of mistakes, repeating mistakes, forgetting things but entrance was not about who remembered a lot but was about who forgot lesser. Haha, I used to open mobile to watch videos on fungi but ended up looking 'asapscience' or 'Ted-talks'. Sometimes, I used to dance alone in "Hall of fame." I used to see the videos made by previous IOM toppers and sometimes, try to chat with them on facebook to feel motivated. But, the biggest motivation was that Saturday's mark. Maybe, most of us cheat to get good marks because good marks is only how we get motivated. Month were passing like hours and the final BPKIHS exam arrived. I received the paper, got happy and did whole the paper with full energy and got out 30 mins early. Some days later, result came out at night. My name hanging like a poor baby, down, carrying 171 mark. This time again, 172 was the cut-off. 1 mark, again. I felt so sad but then I saw other 172/171 friends who didn't get the scholarship and convinced myself. I had done so much but no good result. I even had rejected 2 scholarships for Egypt and Pakistan by MOE. I was angry. 1 month for IOM. I started reading again for the war. All time in library, all time with notes and books. I had forgot everything I read from Indian books. I read modules and my notes. I was sad for myself. Les Brown taught me, "The game is not over until you win." In the blink of an eye, finals arrived. I went there, this time with anger and sadness, solved the paper hopelessly and came out doubtfully. Then, result. Nobody knows how happy that unlucky Naveen had felt on seeing his name at the world's unluckiest position- 13. Yes, I got my name on IOM. The two times' missed "1 mark" was added on the previous 91 and I got 93. I have never believed in luck. It is just a random probability, a standard deviation from the mean. You make your own luck from hard work and your brain. That's all. "The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory." All the best, champions.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


I completed my schooling from V.S. Niketan School and did my plus two from St. Xavier’s College, Maitighar.
Unlike many other students, I didn’t aim to become a doctor ever since I was very little. In fact, it took me a great deal of time to realize what I really wanted to do in my life, and now that I know what it is, I have no repentance over anything.
I was pretty good at academics since I was a school girl. I started coming first in school since grade four and I completed my schooling under 100% scholarship (on Tuition Fees). I completed my SLC with 90.38 % and passed Plus Two with an aggregate total of 85.5 %.  Now, since this article is mainly written addressing the students preparing for entrance examination, I would like share my experiences during entrance and the ups and downs associated with it.
The first blow I received in life was the entrance-result blow when the results of my first IOM examination came out. I got 83 marks on my first attempt. Oh yes! 83 is a great place to start from, right? But, the questions were relatively too easy and I was relatively a good student and almost every friend of mine had scored better. And so, I was not happy. Not that I expected to get in on my first attempt, it’s just that I hated myself then, because I knew that a little-more hard work could have given me at least a little more marks and a little more satisfaction even if I didn’t get in in the first place.
So then, I decided two things: 1. I had to change, I had to improve and start studying better.
2. I had to stop fretting over what was gone and become determined to create a life for myself where I would never have to look back again.

And so, ‘The Hard-Work Phase’ of my life began. But, I thought I should give Patan a try and so I started solving IQ questions and even made it to the interview/OSCE but got eliminated at the last round.
And guess what, I even applied for a scholarship in Bangladesh. I had an aggregate of 88 marks in PCB, so I thought I would make it, but, my Bio average was luckily/unluckily 86 which gave me another blow, because Bio was all we needed to get through selection process for Bangladesh and my little 86, haha, couldn’t make it for being a little less than the cut-off 87.
So, eventually I thought I should gear up for the ‘real’ upcoming entrance, ‘the BPKIHS entrance’. I started giving weekly exams a month after the course had started and made it to the top 20 on my first attempt. That was a motivation. In the first few exams I hadn’t been able to attempt all the questions, but, with few hacks on time management, I started getting 140 plus by attempting all the questions on the earliest entrance days. So, slowly and gradually, my marks went up. If I were made to plot a graph on my weekly exams performance vs time, I would plot an almost straight slope with minimal ups and downs. I started getting better marks, from 140 to 150, 150 to 160, 160 to 170 and ended up scoring 172 on my BPKIHS entrance with 18th rank when there were 17 seats.
Now, that was another big blow in my life. That night, I couldn’t sleep. The results were out @ 12:00 AM and I started studying aggressively that night itself after realizing that I missed it because of 1 rank and 0 marks.  Before IOM’s exam, I went to Dharan twice for counselling, expecting that may be someone would give up the seat for some reasons and maybe I would get in, but no, I returned back with nothing but hope, hope that things would change for the better.
One night, few weeks before IOM’s entrance, I sat down to ponder over all the circumstances. I pondered over how I missed the Top 20 scholarships in Name because I started giving exams after the scholarship session was over. I pondered over how I never managed to receive cash prize in Name because by the time I had started scoring well enough to beat the toppers, the Dharan session classes were already over. I pondered over how I missed Bangladesh because I didn’t score as well in Biology as I did in other subjects. I thought about how much I enjoyed other things too, like writing or public speaking, so I thought, maybe, maybe medicine was not for me. So, I told my parents that I would appear IOE entrance or start preparing for SAT to pave way for a foreign law degree. I thought about other subjects I could explore like mass-communication or almost anything, but not medicine.
I am thankful now that my family was strongly against me pursuing something else after having spent so much of time and effort for medical entrance. The counselled me and so, I was ready this time. It was impossible for me to study in donation or pursue something else, so the next IOM entrance was everything to me. It was like a ‘do or die’ situation. The night the IOM’s entrance result came out, I had the most terrible dream of my life. I realize how it does not matter now because that same day, the best thing of my life happened. I finally, made it to IOM.
Two nights, two nights in my life, I haven’t slept. On the night of BPKIHS’ result and on that day, on the day of IOM’s entrance result. Many distractions come and go, but there is one thing I conclude. It’s impossible to get in if you don’t believe that you can. I performed poorly on my first attempt because I was not convinced that Ideserved it. And when, I was finally convinced that I had no other options, that medicine was all I wanted, that there was no escaping out, that I was responsible for everything that happens in my life, that if I am confident, I take the credit, if I ruin an exam by being nervous, I am the one to take the blame, that the entrance was all up to me and now was the time to do it, when I was finally convinced of all these things, I made it to IOM.

And yes, now I am a content medical student who is studying in the most prestigious institute of Nepal. And when I look back at my life, I have absolutely no regrets and I know that I will never have to look back again

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